What Is The Mean Of Just?

1a : having a basis in or conforming to fact or reason : reasonable had just reason to believe he was in danger. b : conforming to a standard of correctness : proper just proportions. c archaic : faithful to an original. 2a(1) : acting or being in conformity with what is morally upright or good : righteous a just war.
\ ˈjəst \
1a : having a basis in or conforming to fact or reason : reasonable had just reason to believe he was in danger
b : conforming to a standard of correctness : proper just proportions

c archaic : faithful to an original

2a(1) : acting or being in conformity with what is morally upright or good : righteous a just war
(2) : being what is merited : deserved a just punishment
b : legally correct : lawful just title to an estate
\ ˈjəst , ˈjist, ˈjest also without t \

b : very recently the bell just rang

2a : by a very small margin : barely just too late
just about
: almost the work is just about done
\ ˈjəst , ˈjüst \