What Is Lose And Loss?

Lose is used as a verb which indicates the action of losing something whereas loss is a noun which represents something that is lost.

Did you lose that sock in the dryer … or loose it?Lose is a verb, while loose is almost always an adjective. They’re often confused because of their similar spelling.

When to use lose

Lose can only be used as a verb. It describes when you “come to be without something” (e.g., to lose a sock in the laundry) or “to suffer defeat or fail to win” (e.g., to lose a soccer game).

Its spelling might make you think it rhymes with hose and chose, but it actually rhymes with choose and shoes. The S has a Z sound.

When to use loose

Loose rhymes with goose and moose and is almost always used as an adjective. It can mean “free from restraints or binds” (e.g., The dog runs loose in the yar”), “not bound together” (e.g., She let her hair hang loose), or “not fitting closely or tightly” (e.g., The shirt was loose on me, so I bought the next size down).

It can also refer to something that isn’t very strict, or something that’s relaxed or limber.

When to use loosen

The verb form of loose is loosen, which means “to unfasten” or “to make less tight.”

It also shows up as part of the casual phrase loosen up, which also means “to relax.” Loosen is your best choice when you need a verb that represents the meaning of loose.

A final tip

When you’re trying to decide between lose and loose, consider whether you’re looking for an adjective or a verb.

If you’re describing something that’s free from restraints, relaxed, or not tightly fitted, use loose.If you’re talking about the action of misplacing or not winning something, use lose.

Remember, if you lose a sock, it’s disappeared. If you loose a sock, you’ve set it free.