What Is Access Is Used For?

Access provides several tools for sorting, searching, and creating your own specialized tools (known as queries) for finding the elusive single record or group of records you need. Access saves time by making it easy to import and recycle data.25 Feb 2019

Exactly match a value, such as 2/2/2006


Returns records of transactions that took place on Feb 2, 2006. Remember to surround date values with the # character so that Access can distinguish between date values and text strings.

Do not match a value, such as 2/2/2006

Not #2/2/2006#

Returns records of transactions that took place on a day other than Feb 2, 2006.

Contain values that fall before a certain date, such as 2/2/2006

< #2/2/2006#

Returns records of transactions that took place before Feb 2, 2006.

To view transactions that took place on or before this date, use the <= operator instead of the < operator.

Contain values that fall after a certain date, such as 2/2/2006

> #2/2/2006#

Returns records of transactions that took place after Feb 2, 2006.

To view transactions that took place on or after this date, use the >= operator instead of the > operator.

Contain values that fall within a date range

>#2/2/2006# and

Returns records where the transactions took place between Feb 2, 2006 and Feb 4, 2006.

You can also use the Between operator to filter for a range of values, including the end points. For example, Between #2/2/2006# and #2/4/2006# is the same as >=#2/2/2006# and <=#2/4/2006# .

Contain values that fall outside a range


Returns records where the transactions took place before Feb 2, 2006 or after Feb 4, 2006.

Contain one of two values, such as 2/2/2006 or 2/3/2006

#2/2/2006# or #2/3/2006#

Returns records of transactions that took place on either Feb 2, 2006 or Feb 3, 2006.

Contain one of many values

In (#2/1/2006#, #3/1/2006#, #4/1/2006#)

Returns records where the transactions took place on Feb 1, 2006, March 1, 2006, or April 1, 2006.

Contain a date that falls in a specific month (irrespective of year), such as December

DatePart("m", [SalesDate]) = 12

Returns records where the transactions took place in December of any year.

Contain a date that falls in a specific quarter (irrespective of year), such as the first quarter

DatePart("q", [SalesDate]) = 1

Returns records where the transactions took place in the first quarter of any year.

Contain today's date


Returns records of transactions that took place on the current day. If today's date is 2/2/2006, you see records where the OrderDate field is set to Feb 2, 2006.

Contain yesterday's date


Returns records of transactions that took place the day before the current day. If today's date is 2/2/2006, you see records for Feb 1, 2006.

Contain tomorrow's date

Date() + 1

Returns records of transactions that took place the day after the current day. If today's date is 2/2/2006, you see records for Feb 3, 2006.

Contain dates that fall during the current week

DatePart("ww", [SalesDate]) = DatePart("ww", Date()) and Year( [SalesDate]) = Year(Date())

Returns records of transactions that took place during the current week. A week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday.

Contain dates that fell during the previous week

Year([SalesDate])* 53 + DatePart("ww", [SalesDate]) = Year(Date())* 53 + DatePart("ww", Date()) - 1

Returns records of transactions that took place during the last week. A week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday.

Contain dates that fall during the following week

Year([SalesDate])* 53+DatePart("ww", [SalesDate]) = Year(Date())* 53+DatePart("ww", Date()) + 1

Returns records of transactions that will take place next week. A week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday.

Contain a date that fell during the last 7 days

Between Date() and Date()-6

Returns records of transactions that took place during the last 7 days. If today's date is 2/2/2006, you see records for the period Jan 24, 2006 through Feb 2, 2006.

Contain a date that belongs to the current month

Year([SalesDate]) = Year(Now()) And Month([SalesDate]) = Month(Now())

Returns records for the current month. If today's date is 2/2/2006, you see records for Feb 2006.

Contain a date that belongs to the previous month

Year([SalesDate])* 12 + DatePart("m", [SalesDate]) = Year(Date())* 12 + DatePart("m", Date()) - 1

Returns records for the previous month. If today's date is 2/2/2006, you see records for Jan 2006.

Contain a date that belongs to the next month

Year([SalesDate])* 12 + DatePart("m", [SalesDate]) = Year(Date())* 12 + DatePart("m", Date()) + 1

Returns records for the next month. If today's date is 2/2/2006, you see records for Mar 2006.

Contain a date that fell during the last 30 or 31 days

Between Date( ) And DateAdd("M", -1, Date( ))

A month's worth of sales records. If today's date is 2/2/2006, you see records for the period Jan 2, 2006. to Feb 2, 2006

Contain a date that belongs to the current quarter

Year([SalesDate]) = Year(Now()) And DatePart("q", Date()) = DatePart("q", Now())

Returns records for the current quarter. If today's date is 2/2/2006, you see records for the first quarter of 2006.

Contain a date that belongs to the previous quarter

Year([SalesDate])*4+DatePart("q",[SalesDate]) = Year(Date())*4+DatePart("q",Date())- 1

Returns records for the previous quarter. If today's date is 2/2/2006, you see records for the last quarter of 2005.

Contain a date that belongs to the next quarter

Year([SalesDate])*4+DatePart("q",[SalesDate]) = Year(Date())*4+DatePart("q",Date())+1

Returns records for the next quarter. If today's date is 2/2/2006, you see records for the second quarter of 2006.

Contain a date that falls during the current year

Year([SalesDate]) = Year(Date())

Returns records for the current year. If today's date is 2/2/2006, you see records for the year 2006.

Contain a date that belongs to the previous year

Year([SalesDate]) = Year(Date()) - 1

Returns records of transactions that took place during the previous year. If today's date is 2/2/2006, you see records for the year 2005.

Contain a date that belongs to next year

Year([SalesDate]) = Year(Date()) + 1

Returns records of transactions with next year's date. If today's date is 2/2/2006, you see records for the year 2007.

Contain a date that falls between Jan 1 and today (year to date records)

Year([SalesDate]) = Year(Date()) and Month([SalesDate]) <= Month(Date()) and Day([SalesDate]) <= Day (Date())

Returns records of transactions with dates that fall between Jan 1 of the current year and today. If today's date is 2/2/2006, you see records for the period Jan 1, 2006 to to 2/2/2006.

Contain a date that occurred in the past

< Date()

Returns records of transactions that took place before today.

Contain a date that occurrs in the future

> Date()

Returns records of transactions that will take place after today.

Filter for null (or missing) values

Is Null

Returns records where the date of transaction is missing.

Filter for non-null values

Is Not Null

Returns records where the date of transaction is known.