What Can I Say Instead Of Normal?

Synonyms & Antonyms of normal average, common, commonplace, cut-and-dried. (also cut-and-dry), everyday, garden-variety, ordinary, More items...
1 being of the type that is encountered in the normal course of events that fateful day had begun just like any normal workday
average, common, commonplace, cut-and-dried (also cut-and-dry), everyday, garden-variety, ordinary, prosaic, routine, run-of-the-mill, standard, standard-issue, unexceptional, unremarkable, usual, workaday
2 having full use of one's mind and control over one's actions if you run around screaming like that, no one will think you are normal
balmy, bananas, batty, bughouse [slang], certifiable, crackbrained, cracked, crackpot, cranky [dialect], cuckoo, daffy, daft, dotty, fruity [slang], gaga, loco [slang], loony (also looney), loopy, meshuga (or meshugge also meshugah or meshuggah), moonstruck, nuts, nutty, scatty [chiefly British], screwy, wacko (also whacko), wacky (also whacky) delusional, delusionary, disturbed, neurotic, obsessive-compulsive, paranoiac (also paranoic), paranoid (also paranoidal), psycho, psychotic, schizo, schizoid, schizophrenic, schizy (or schizzy)
brainsick, crazed, crazy, demented, deranged, insane, lunatic, mad, maniacal (also maniac), mental, unbalanced, unsound
3 having or showing the qualities associated with the members of a particular group or kind she has normal reading abilities for a child her age
distinctive, especial, exceptional, extraordinary, infrequent, noteworthy, rare, remarkable, singular, special, unexpected, unfamiliar, unique, unpredictable curious, erratic, funky, funny, odd, oddball, offbeat, outlandish, quirky, screwy, strange, wacky (also whacky), way-out bizarre, fantastic (also fantastical), far-out, freak, freakish, kooky (also kookie), out-of-the-way, outrageous, outré, rare, singular, unnatural, weird, wild
what is typical of a group, class, or series a temperature chart showing the normals and extremes for various regions
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