What Are The Types Of Cleaning?

7 Types of Cleaning Services You Can Offer Your Customers 7 Common Types Of Cleaning Services. Residential Cleaning Services. Commercial Cleaning Services. Janitorial Cleaning Services. Laundry and Dry Cleaning Services. Sanitization and Disinfection. Green Cleaning Services. Pressure Washing Services. 22 Jan 2021

One question we often get asked at eMop is to explain the differences between “regular”, “deep” and “end-of-tenancy” cleaning. Here’s our guide!

Regular cleaning

This usually takes around two to three hours. It involves dusting all surfaces and decorations, vacuuming carpets and mopping floors, changing beddings, plus cleaning the bathroom and kitchen.

Perfect for: smaller properties such as apartments/flats.

Deep cleaning

More comprehensive than a regular clean. Deep cleaning involves moving furniture around so that eMoppers can blitz every last spider web and speckle of dust.

Perfect for: larger houses and properties with pets.

End of tenancy cleaning

An ‘extreme’ clean that usually happens when landlords call us after they’ve entered the flat and found the recently-vacated tenants haven’t bothered to clean it for a year! And you don’t, have time to do it yourself? Consider the end of tenancy cleaning London service.

Consider the end of tenancy cleaning London service.

Perfect for: properties that haven’t been cleaned for many months!

If you need any of the services above, just head to our website.